IT recruitment and outsourcing

Communication in the recruitment process – simple rules worth remembering 

Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones. Learn the rules that will make your recruitment processes more professional and candidates will be more likely to leave a positive opinion.

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Communication in the recruitment process – simple rules worth remembering 

Good communication practices are crucial in the recruitment process, as they allow for effective and efficient exchange of information between the recruiter and the candidate. Without good communication, the recruitment process can become frustrating and stressful for both parties, and the candidate may resign from further cooperation with the company, which can lead to the loss of valuable potential employees for the company. 

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Today’s job market is characterized by high competition for the best candidates, which means that companies must demonstrate an effective approach to talent acquisition. Professional communication in the recruitment process allows you to build a positive image of the company as an employer, which may attract more valuable candidates in the future. 

Finally, good communication in the recruitment process can also affect the quality of employment. Candidates who feel well informed and satisfied with the recruitment process are more likely to continue working with the company and have a better chance of long-term success in their job. 

Check what is worth paying attention to. 

Timeliness and reliability in the recruitment process – why are they so important? 

Candidates want to know how their application is going. It is important that the recruiter regularly informs the candidate about the next stages of the recruitment process and possible delays. Thanks to this, the candidate can be sure that his application is considered.

In addition, candidates may have many questions about the job offer, recruitment process, remuneration, benefits, as well as the company’s organizational culture. It is important that the recruiter answers these questions in the shortest possible time to avoid unnecessary stress and confusion. In case we need more time to respond, it is important to inform about the planned date of the response – even more or less. 

Delays in the recruitment process, lack of answers to questions or unclear communication may affect the candidate’s decision to resign from further cooperation with the company. Therefore, recruiters should ensure that communication in the recruitment process is transparent, understandable and timely. 

A personalized approach to communication

Each candidate is different and has individual needs, motivations and professional goals. That is why it is important for the recruiter to have a personalized approach to the candidate as far as possible and adjust communication to his preferences.

First of all, it is worth making sure that you know the candidate’s motivations and professional goals. Thanks to this, we will be able to better understand why the candidate wants to work in a given industry and what skills and experience he can bring to the company. In addition, learning about the candidate’s professional goals will allow you to create an individual development plan for the employee. 

Another important point is to adapt communication to the candidate’s style. Some prefer a more formal approach, while others prefer a more casual conversation. It is important that the recruiter adapts his communication to the candidate’s preferences. Thanks to this, the candidate feels more comfortable and is willing to open and honest dialogue. 

Honesty and openness 

It is worth taking care of the basic principles of communication, which are certainly honesty and openness. 

It happens that certain restrictions or obstacles may appear in the recruitment process, such as a different way of remuneration or the need for additional training. It is important that the recruiter informs the candidate of such changes at the beginning of the recruitment process. Thanks to this, the candidate does not waste time applying for a position for which he has no chance or is no longer interesting due to the conditions. 

When it comes to the interview itself, the recruiter should provide information about the company and the position in a reliable and clear manner, not hiding any difficulties or challenges related to the job. Thanks to this, the candidate will have a realistic idea of working in the company and it will be easier for him to decide whether to accept a job offer. 

Recruitment feedback 

The exchange of feedback between the recruiter and the candidate is an important element of the recruitment process, which affects the quality of the relationship between them. It is worth actively encouraging the candidate to share their comments and suggestions about the recruitment process and inform the candidate about the progress already made in the recruitment process. 

The feedback culture in the recruitment process positively affects the quality of the relationship between the recruiter and the candidate, builds a positive image of the company and improves the recruitment process. Thanks to this, the company gains not only a good employee, but also a positive opinion on the labor market. 

Recruiter availability 

Candidates appreciate recruiters who are easy to reach, respond quickly to their questions and provide support in case of problems. The availability of a recruiter can also speed up the recruitment process, which is beneficial for both the company and the candidate. 

Communication in the recruitment process – start today 


These tips may be obvious to many recruiters, and we hope they are. Unfortunately, there are still candidates who rightly complain about the lack of any feedback, withholding certain information in the recruitment process or the lack of answers to important questions for them. 

Guided by these principles in our daily work, we can count on benefits not only for the candidate. Good communication practices can significantly speed up the recruitment process, increase the involvement of future employees, or improve the company’s image. 

Do you care about professionally conducted recruitment? Check what we can do for you.